THE SEPT 2024 HOOK: Mobility to Begin Again
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Why We’re Different (in 1.5 minutes)
I'm been filming a daily workout every day-ish for the last 12 years, and I've learned a shocking thing that feels hard to say as a fitness professional. Here we go. It doesn't matter what kind of exercise you do, all that really matters is that you move your body regularly.
Membership Info
Looking to try a membership? Membership is $12 a month. Starting is hard! Use this coupon for a procrastination-proof deal: $5/month for 3 months. Code: STARTFORFIVE
Learn more on our How It Works page.
The Hook
What is the Hook? Put simply, the Hook is a monthly challenge to help you and members build a habit of exercising daily. This is an added benefit of MoSt with daily content and support in the community.
If you're looking for education on all things pregnancy, during, after, and beyond, check out our Article Index to explore all topics!
Read Courtney's blog. She posts monthly!
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