We love nerdy stuff and feely stuff.
Explore this page to find both, with our evidence-based articles written by experts on our team and deep dives into the experience of caretaking written by our founder.
From the MommaStrong Team
For a full list of our articles, please visit our Article Index page.
Finding Information About Menopause
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Despite the fact that everyone with a uterus will eventually go through menopause, unfortunately there is a substantial lack of knowledge regarding perimenopause and menopause in the general population. And research shows that most doctors are not well-trained on menopause during medical school, plus have difficulty recognizing menopause symptoms. So how do we know what sources to trust, and how to evaluate the information they are giving us appropriately? Read more.
January 20, 2025
Ack! Sciatica
By, Stephanie DIllon, PT, DPT, WCS
That shooting pain down your leg, the pins and needles in your foot….sciatica is always pretty awful when it occurs. But especially if you are pregnant when it happens, you can feel totally powerless to treat it. The good news is there are a lot of different reasons why people develop sciatica, which means there are also a lot of great treatment options. But first, let’s try to understand more about what sciatica is and why it occurs. Read more.
February 26, 2024
Re-Thinking Low Back Pain
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Low back pain (LBP) is estimated to affect 84% of adults in the US at some point in their lives, and is a leading cause of disability worldwide. LBP and neck pain together are the conditions associated with the highest medical costs in the US! (Casiano 2023) LBP can cause a lot of problems for both the person in pain and the people in their lives depending upon how much their pain affects their life. Read more.
February 25, 2024
Perimenopause and Menopause 101
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
It's coming for anyone with a uterus! This midlife transition will affect all of us in various ways. Some will have a very long, very difficult transition; some won't hardly even notice it's happening; others will be forced into menopause via surgery or other medical treatments for various reasons. And, there is a LOT of misinformation out there regarding symptoms, treatment, and what to expect. Here's a primer on the basics, including how to best help yourself through the transition! Read more.
January 25, 2024
Body Changes in Pre- vs. Peri- vs. Post-menopause
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Perimenopause brings about so many changes for any body with a vulva. Included in these changes are more shifts in how our bodies look and feel, very similar to what we experienced in puberty. The good news is that now that we are older, we are hopefully more prepared for these changes. And, it’s helpful to know that it’s not our fault if our bodies start to look and feel different in midlife! Read more.
Januray 7, 2024
Surgery for Diastasis Rectus Abdominis
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Yikes, this is a big topic! While there is still a lot that is unknown about who is appropriate for surgery, there is more and more research showing that surgically repairing a diastasis recti (DRA) can actually improve DRA-related symptoms. Here's what we know. Read more.
January 2, 2024
What if exercise alone isn't enough to heal a DR?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Sometimes despite our best efforts, exercise isn't enough to improve DR. Recent studies have been done on other treatment options, alone or with exercise, in an effort to further improve DR. Let’s run down the list of other things you can try if your DR isn’t improving enough only with exercise! Read more.
January 2, 2024
What makes you more likely to have DR?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
CW: brief discussion of BMI and weight
Here’s the good news: there has been a LOT of new research on diastasis recti (DR) within the last few years. The bad news is that the studies are all so different from one another, and many can’t even agree on what the cut-off is to diagnose DR, or how even to measure it in the first place! This makes it incredibly hard to generalize results, as you can imagine! But, some trends are emerging, including data on risk factors for developing DR. Read more.
December 20, 2021
What are the best exercises for Diastasis Recti?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
There is SO much research on & so many recommendations out there for postpartum DR (diastasis recti) treatment. Over the years, it's gone something like this: You should do sit-ups! No wait—don't even think about doing a sit-up—they are terrible for DR! No actually sit-ups ARE bad, but you can do curl-ups and use your hands or a towel to the two halves of the rectus abdominis together. Read more.
December 20, 2023
Stool Leakage
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Stool leakage, aka fecal incontinence, is one of the most distressing problems that a person who births a child can experience in my opinion. More than urine leakage, it can lead to increased embarrassment, shame, and even isolation as people are fearful to go out in the community. So, read on to see why this typically occurs, and what you can do about it. Read more.
December 18, 2023
Constipation During Pregnancy and Postpartum
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Constipation especially during pregnancy can be such a huge problem. You already feel a lot of pressure, bloating, etc. in your stomach—and now you have a hard time pooping on top of it! Read on to find out why that happens, and what you can do about it. Read more.
December 14, 2023
Treatment of Functional Constipation
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Alright, let's dive into what is probably the biggest question about constipation—what can I do about it?? First of all, the basics. You NEED to make sure you are covering your bases with water and fiber before moving on to other types of treatments. Read more.
December 7, 2023
Prolapse Surgeries, Part I
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Whew, surgery for prolapse is a big topic. So much so that I'm splitting it into two articles to avoid overloading your eyeballs and brains! Today we'll spend time discussing the why's and who's surrounding surgery. Then next time we'll get into the details of types of surgeries, recovery times, etc. Read more.
December 5, 2023
Prolapse Surgeries, Part II
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
This article is a follow up to a part 1 article I wrote on prolapse surgeries, where I covered a lot of FAQs about who needs surgery and why. In this article we'll cover the nitty gritty of surgeries, including the different types of surgeries and recovery times, etc. We won't rehash what I mentioned last time, so if you have questions about who might need surgery, and how successful surgery generally is or isn't, please revisit the past article! Read more.
December 6, 2023
What are Pessaries, and How Do They Work?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Pessaries can be awesome, and they can also be really frustrating. But for many people with prolapse, they can be real game-changers! They can improve your symptoms immediately, delay/prevent the need for surgery, and allow you to get back to activities that would normally cause leakage or discomfort. But like any treatment there are upsides and downsides, so let's dive in. Read more.
December 5, 2023
What are the best exercises for prolapse?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
There are a LOT of recommendations out there— “do this one exercise to fix your prolapse!” Or, “NEVER do this exercise!” It can be confusing, and frankly overwhelming. So now we are going to take a deep dive to try to answer these questions: what exercises are safe for prolapse, or what are the best exercises to manage prolapse? Read more.
December 5, 2023
What Does Intra-Abdominal Pressure Have to Do With Prolapse?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
So far in this series of articles we’ve spent a lot of time talking about what prolapse is exactly, who gets it, and why. It is definitely true that the underlying issue for pelvic organ prolapse is weakness of the connective tissues that help hold up your internal organs, and many of those things are out of your control. Read more.
December 5, 2023
The Details of Diaphragmatic Breathing
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
We all know that diaphragmatic breathing is good for us. But there’s a lot of confusion out there about what exactly diaphragmatic breathing is (and is not!). Plus, what exactly are the benefits to our bodies? Read on to find out! Read more.
November 27, 2023
Diaphragmatic Breathing: Give your nervous system a hug!
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Diaphragmatic breathing has a huge effect on both your nervous system and your overall health. It can improve conditions from anxiety, to GERD, to heart failure. Plus, it can lower your overall stress levels! So, how does it work? Read more.
November 27, 2023
C-section Scars: What Problems Can They Cause?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
If you have had a Cesarean section (C-section), then you have a scar. However, most of us aren’t told what to do about those scars, nor are we told what kind of problems C-section scars can cause. Read more.
November 19, 2023
It’s a new day for “employee wellness” and we are here for it
By, Jya Plavin, MPH, CPT, CPPC
“Employee wellness” and incentive programs have historically aimed at reducing sick days and health care costs, and increasing productivity and profit. Today, things have changed. Read more.
November 19, 2023
Postpartum Incontinence: Common Doesn’t Equal Normal!
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Most people assume that leaking urine after having a baby, aka postpartum incontinence, is just the price a person pays for becoming a birthing parent. But while it is COMMON, it doesn’t have to be NORMAL! Read more.
November 19, 2023
How can you avoid neck and back pain while sitting at your desk?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Especially with the increasing number of people who are privileged-enough to be working from home, there are a lot of questions about how you should sit at your desk. Read more.
November 19, 2023
How Do I Prevent Diastasis Recti?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS & Jya Plavin, MPH, CPT, CPPC
Diastasis recti abdominis (DRA), also referred to as Diastasis Recti (DR) is one of the many physiological changes that take place during pregnancy. Read more.
November 19, 2023
How can home office workers improve ergonomics and physical activity during their workday?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a lot of changes to all of our lives, but in particular to many of our workspaces. More of us are working from home at least part of the time, or have switched to jobs that are entirely remote. Read more.
November 19, 2023
False Promises: Breastfeeding and Weight Loss
By, Theresa Moutafis, RD, IBCLC, FUEL Dietitian & Courtney Wyckoff, CPT, CES
All new moms grapple with hard postpartum realities like sleep deprivation, hormonal shifts, identity crises, body image, and learning how to be patient with themselves as they heal. Read more.
November 19, 2023
Mental Health Spotlight: 5 Myths About Anger
By, Annie Keilman, LCSW
I just can't get anger off my brain! So, today I want to address some myths about anger, and see if we can get some good questions and thoughts a-brewing about it as a community of humans who get angry (because we’re humans). Read More.
November 19, 2023
How do I Plank when My Wrists Hurt?
By, Jya Plavin, MPH, CPT, CPPC
We LOVE planks—when done correctly, plank exercises engage and target the whole body, can be incorporated into all kinds of dynamic movement, and require no equipment. Unfortunately, wrist pain and discomfort is a common issue that can be aggravated by planking. Read more.
October 8, 2023
Sleep Guidelines for Busy Parents
By, Courtney Wyckoff, CPT, CES
I’m not a sleep expert, I’ll start by saying that. However, I am a self-proclaimed sleep deprivation expert, so I promise to walk us through with appropriate skepticism and vetting of sources. I, like you, want to learn more about how to get better sleep as a busy parent, BUT through advice that actually applies to the life of a primary caretaker. I simply cannot read one more article or book touting the importance of uninterrupted sleep without laying out a clear plan for primary caretakers who carry the burden of helping little humans go to sleep and stay asleep. Read more.
October 8, 2023
The Fear of “Getting Bulky” with Resistance Training
By, Jya Plavin, MPH, CPT, CPPC
One of the biggest misconceptions I encounter about resistance training is a fear that it will make us get “bulky,” (i.e. that it will rapidly make our muscles huge, and we won't like the way we look). Sigh. There's a lot to unpack here, but my response when I hear this concern is usually: "If only it were that easy to build muscle!" Read more.
October 3, 2023
Why Won’t My Toddler Sleep (and how will I survive?)
By, Courtney Wyckoff, CPT, CES
I’m stealthily typing this article in my notes app on my phone while my 3 year old sleeps next to me, her face squished exactly in my armpit. This sweet kid was an excellent sleeper from the age of 10 months until basically her third birthday. And then the combination of threenager brain development, endless cycles of preschool germs, and moving out of the crib after moving to a new house … yeah, she’s no longer a great sleeper. Read more.
October 2,2023
Smart Shorts: An Easy Fix for Incontinence?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
The ads are out there, and they are tempting. Can wearing a “smart shorts” Innovo device really fix my incontinence in just 12 weeks? Or some other products like Elitone include external devices that you put in your underwear—they promise results in 6 weeks. And the best part is that these devices tell you that you can just “go about your day” and let them do the work! Read more.
September 27, 2023
What are the best sleeping positions for your neck & back?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
It comes on slowly over time—as you age you may wake up one day with a sore neck, or a stiff lower back. And you have to wonder, is my sleeping position contributing to this pain? What are the best sleeping positions for neck and back pain? Read more.
September 20, 2023
How to “Fix” Diastasis Recti
By, Courtney Wyckoff, CPT, CES
If you’ve been diagnosed with diastasis recti, or you think you have it, you most likely want to know how to fix it as quickly as possible. That is certainly how it was for me after discovering that my years of back pain and my deep abdominal issues were because of this condition. I felt both relief and total overwhelm, grateful to know that there was a root cause but, well, completely unsure of how to get myself “back together”. Read more.
September 15, 2023
What is Diastasis Recti?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
It goes by so many names it can be confusing: diastasis rectus abdominis, diastasis recti, di-recti, diastasis, or some people will even just call it an “ab separation.” Plus you can shorten the name to DRA or DR too! So what exactly is diastasis recti? Let’s talk about allll of it, and along the way we’ll dispel a LOT of myths associated with di-recti. Read more.
September 15, 2023
Potty Talk
By, Courtney Wyckoff, CPT, CES
The famous book title says it all: everybody poops! And, a lot of people have problems with their poop. It’s a shame this isn’t talked about more openly, because there are so many simple things that can help if you are constipated in particular! Read more.
September 1st, 2023
Functional Constipation Types and Diagnosis
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
This post will be about functional constipation. What do I mean by that? Basically this means there are no other medical explanations for your constipation. No IBS, Crohn's or Celiac, or really serious pathologies like cancer, etc. Read more.
September 1st, 2023
Prolapse is Confusing!
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
If you’ve been diagnosed with, or ever suspected that you have, pelvic organ prolapse, I’m certain it brings up a million questions for you. Will my bladder eventually fall out of my vagina? Will having sex make it worse? Do I need surgery? What about having more kids, returning to exercise and running, etc etc?? Read more.
July 10th, 2023
Who Gets Prolapse And Why?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
Please note: this post has a brief mention of body weight and obesity.
The prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse is one of my favorite things to talk about. Prolapse is SO common, and not enough people know that! Read more.
July 19th, 2023
Osteoporosis Part 1: What is it, and who is at risk?
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
We have all heard of osteoporosis, probably especially as it relates to older people with vulvas. But what is it exactly, and how gets this disease? We dig down into the details to help you understand what osteoporosis is, and who is more likely to have it. Then check out our next article for more information on how to build stronger bones through exercise! Read more.
June 20, 2023
Osteoporosis Part 2: How to build stronger bones through exercise
By, Stephanie Dillon, PT, DPT, WCS
This article will focus more on the evidence behind building stronger bones with exercise, and thus lessening the effects of osteoporosis. Of course there are also a lot of nutritional recommendations for OP, but that is beyond our scope of practice. Please consult your doctor or dietitian for more information on how nutrition can help OP! Read more.
June 27, 2023
Anna Young
Some text
Understanding Your Body
Use these infographics to understand your body and how it works. These can be referenced to ensure you are using proper form during your workouts.
We also have several anatomy animations which you can view on our Anatomy Animations page.
Check out the toolkits page for resources that provide extra help for all stages of parenthood, plus downloadable coloring sheets to keep your workouts on track.
How & When to Get Help
When to Seek an Orthopedic/Musculoskeletal PT
We all have aches and pains, but sometimes exercise can aggravate underlying issues that we may not have even known was a problem! So if you have any of the following, you may want to seek extra help from a PT in your area.
Pain deep in a joint (e.g. knee, elbow, shoulder) more than a muscle
Pain that progressively worsens rather than improves with exercise
Pain that is sharp/shooting or radiating down your arm or leg
Numbness and tingling anywhere in the body
In most states, you can see a PT without a referral from a doctor.
Learn more about that, and about how to search for a PT in your area.
When to Seek a Pelvic PT
Pelvic health PTs (previously known as “women’s health” PTs) can be so incredibly helpful for so many things, and a lot of people don’t even know they exist! Pelvic PTs can help with issues related to bowel, bladder, and sexual function; they can help you prepare for or recover from childbirth; they can even help with chronic pelvic pain occurring from endometriosis, after multiple abdominal surgeries, or after any type of pelvic trauma.
They also treat men and children, and people who are transgender or gender-fluid (which is why they are trying to move away from the term “women” to the term “pelvic”). If you think pelvic PT may help you, check out our guide for more information on finding someone in your area, and on good questions to ask before you start treatment!